A Green Month with Nature Freedom

That’s a (green) wrap – Nature Freedom had the pleasure to participate in the Green Heart Fair and Logan Eco Action Festival (LEAF) in the past month, to connect with other Brisbane’s leading sustainability experts, and to promote an inclusive community that enjoys the outdoors. 

Find out more about the two events we participated here: 


Green Heart Fair 

Organized by the Brisbane City Council on Sunday 29 May 2022, it is for sustainability legends all around the city to share practical tips and tricks to help live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The Nature Freedom team was there to celebrate a green Brisbane with other waste warriors. 

We had the chance to chat with people that care about innovative eco-friendly products and services, likewise, being in an inclusive environment. I’d say, the majority of people came for Daisy (Mathew’s baby doggo) and we don’t blame them.

Logan LEAF Festival

Organized by the Logan City Council on 5 June 2022, it is another community celebration of a more sustainable world. Our team, along with loads of other eco-exhibitors and market stalls, seized the chance to connect with each other and made the most of the event. You’d find us immersing ourselves in all the hands-on workshops and a massive native plant sale!

Hearing from our event volunteers – Yvette:

“Yes, I really enjoyed the festival. Specifically, I liked helping to set up where I could decorate our post board. It was pleasing to see a list of upcoming events and photos from our previous activities!”

With the fantastic weather for the past weeks, these two festivals truly brought us the joy of interacting with nature and people again. Nature Freedom was founded to be promoting an inclusive community that finds healing from nature. We are extremely grateful to be living where we are peaceful and safe, and we are hoping to bring this caring and loving to people who find themselves alone in the community. 

We are very excited to participate in other upcoming market events as well. Stay tuned and let us know if you wish to see us anywhere!

Becoming part of Nature Freedom


Want to bring influence and inclusion to the local community? Here in Nature Freedom, everyone believes in creating opportunities for everyone to experience nature in a world without barriers.

Join us by expressing your volunteer interest hereProvide support to our team through donation and fundraising